Thursday, February 11, 2010

prune rose bushes

Gardening advice: The first week in March is the best time to prune roses. The Knockout variety and all other of the shrub-type roses can be pruned as far back as desired. Climbing roses don't usually need pruning, except to remove dead canes as needed. Once new growth begins fertilize with a half-cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Repeat the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season and water as needed during drought. You'll be rewarded with bushes full of bloom.


  1. Is it a good time to plant knockout roses?


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Dawn, Knockout roses are the most carefree roses out there, as you probably know. They don't mind being pruned, and even thrive on being pruned several times all summer long. The first pruning of the year should be done the first week in March and prune as severly as you like; won't hurt it at all. Grannybett

  4. Dawn, Roses growing in pots in the nursery can be planted any time. They're usuallynot in the stores till spring. Knockout comes in several colors now, all of them absolutely beautiful. You must get pink; I planted two last year and they stayed in bloom all summer up until frost.
    A Knockout mature size is 3x3 feet so you know ahead of time whether it will fit in your space. The best bang for your buck is a Knockout. Grannybett

  5. Hi Granny! Do you have any spring time recipes you'd like to share?

  6. Pasta salad is always good. And you can add so many things to it to make it more healthful and tasty. Like a package of the 'California Mix' (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower). I add slivered red onions and pepperoni. Can be made into a main dish with add-ins. GrannyBett
